The other day, my foodie buddy and I were having fun at Lok Lok Fun...

They are having promotion currently - All you can eat at RM9.90 from 12p.m to 6p.m. We decided to take up the challenge...

Lok Lok Fun is a small kiosk based in Sunway Pyramid (I can't remember which floor already but it is at the new wing). They have 6 cooking pots fixed at the side of the kiosk. It is not meant for sharing and therefore it can only accommodate 6 persons at any one time.

They have wide selection of all kind of balls, mushrooms and veggies, but lack of meat items and fresh seafood. The condition of all-you-can-eat option is, you can take the items to fill up the provided plate one time only. Make sure you finish the items you take or else they will fine you for the left over.

This is what I took...

And this is what my foodie buddy took...

Individual cooking pot...

Different color, different price... the price ranged from RM1.00 - RM3.00 per stick.

Those were the sticks that left behind by my foodie friend. If he had to pay based on the quantity and color of the sticks, he had to pay RM41.00 and myself would have to pay RM31.00. Fortunately we opted for the challenge and just need to pay RM9.90 nett each person.
It would be wonderful if seafood and meat items are included in the selection. Their dip sauce is a bit letdown as they do not provide the satay sauce which supposed to be available at every lok-lok stalls.
A new discovery!!! Cheap as compared to lok-lok stall in pasar malam.